Exp Realty Logo Vector

Download Exp Realty Logo Vector in PNG, SVG, AI, EPS Formats

Exp Realty Logo Vector
  • Size: 26 KB
  • .PNG, .SVG,
    .EPS, .AI
  • Apr 01, 2022
  • Not For Commercial Use
  • VectorSeek

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Downloading Exp Realty Logo Vector files you agree to the following:

The logo design and artwork you are downloading above is the intellectual property of Exp Realty as copyright and is provided as a convenience for legitimate use with the appropriate permission of the copyrights onwer to use Exp Realty Logo.

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What is the color of the eXp realty logo

FRIENDSHIP is a yellow color, JOBS is a teal color, LEADERSHIP is an orange color, and LIVING is a violet color. BB Purple is the dominant hue in our designs. Alternative colors include black, cool gray 5, and white, which can be used in combination with the other colors from our palette.

What is the font used for eXp Realty logo?

The font used for the eXp Realty logo is a customized typeface called eXp World. This font was specifically designed for the company's brandingIt was created to convey a modern and distinctive look that aligns with eXp Realty's brand identity.

Do eXp sponsors get paid?

eXp Sponsors are paid through a system called revenue sharing.