NISHAT MILLS logo vector

Download NISHAT MILLS logo vector in PNG, SVG, AI, EPS Formats

NISHAT MILLS logo vector

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Logos of conglomerate companies are either just names or are super mysterious. Every logo has a meaning – designers and people figure out the meaning by doing a research or it just clicks or somehow makes sense. Today, you will learn everything about logo of Nishat including its history, meaning, evolution, and building. You can also download Nishat Mills logos in PNG, AI, Vector and SVG variants and formats.˙

About Nishat

Nishat is also known as Nishat Group and it is a conglomerate multinational Pakistani company. It was founded in 1951 by Mian Muhammad Yahya. Its headquarters is in Lahore and its current chairman is Mian Muhammad Mansha.

The company owns more than 6 billion worth of assets according to the business survey report of 2021. The company employs more than 40000 employees working around the country. It deals in textile, power distribution and generation, insurance, hospitality, banking and automotive assembly.

Meaing and History of Nishat Mills logo

The first textile plant of Nishat was started in Faisalabad and as of 2022, the textile generated a profit of more than 520 million US dollars. The company has operational offices around the world. Nishat never changed its logo.

Evolution of Nishat Mills logo

Nishat textile mills were considered as the biggest domestic company in Pakistan. The company started from home of the founder with two stitching units. Nishat is known as the biggest job provider company in Pakistan. Nishat Mills logo consists of a customized letter N in blue color designed with lines. Below it, Nishat is written in blue color and all the letters are capitalized.

Desiging of Nishat Mills logo

Nishat Linen is the branding name of its textile department. Nishat Linen clothing is mostly opted for by Pakistani individuals living in different parts of the world. Since Pakistani men and women feel connected with their culture via clothes and dressing; this gave company a thought to touch overseas. Nishat Mills logo is based on the following two things.


         Nishat Mills logo is written in bold Calibri Body font.


          Nishat Mills logo is designed in blue and white colors.

Provided Services

VectorSeek allows their visitors to download fully customizable and editable files of Nishat for free and with a single click. We provide the following different types editable files of Nishat:

You can download all of these files in a single zip file.


Nishat Mills logo shows that simplicity can also hold a lot of creativeness. The beckon in the lines represents wavy clothes. The color of the Nishat Mills logo is very regular and the shade of blue could use some modification. Visitors can download Nishat Mills logo in PNG, AI, Vector and SVG for free.

Q: How to download a free variant of Nishat Mills logo in PNG?

Ans: You can download Nishat Mills logo in PNG variant for free from VectorSeek.

Q: How to transparent Nishat Mills logo?

Ans: You can transparent Nishat Mills logo by downloading it in SVG.