Odysee Logo Vector

Download Odysee Logo Vector in PNG, SVG, AI, EPS Formats

Odysee Logo Vector

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All logos are copyrighted to their respective owners and protected by international laws. They are provided for informational and educational purposes only. Without written permission from copyright holder, don't reproduce, publish, modify, create variants or otherwise use any content.

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YouTube is the most opted for search engine after Google. Even though Google now owns YouTube but still people pick YouTube for visual aid learning. Content creators have made some pretty good money off of YouTube but now, its policies are getting tougher with each passing day. This is why more and more platforms like YouTube are emerging. Today, you will learn everything about the logo of Odysee including its history, making, evolution and more. You can also download it in PNG, AI, SVG and Vector variants.

About Odysee

Odysee is a product of LBRY Inc. which was launched in 2020. Its final version for the public was launched in 2020 December. It is considered as an emerging competitor of YouTube and it has lenient monetization policies as compared to other online video sharing platforms.

This online video sharing platform is used by many content creators since there is less chance of copyright strikes and copyright claims. The platform allows its creators to have free speech other than pornographic content.

Meaning and History of Odysee Logo

The platform also doesn’t allow its creators to upload any video that contains violence or terrorism. As of 2021, Odysee has more than 10 million videos which have another set of million views. The platform was heavily used during the era of COVID-19 when some content creators shared videos having misinformation about vaccines. Odysee never changed its logo.

Evolution of Odysee Logo

In 2021, the platform was labeled as the scores of extremist videos. This is because in some videos, creators were found glorifying injustice episodes and events. It is said to be the new YouTube for the ones whose voices are not heard. The platform clearly says that there will no demonetization, no deplatforming, and no censorship. Odysee logo has a circle filled with pink and orange color. There are white stars and there is a white astronaut having a pink screen in the circle. On its right, odysee is written in white color.

Designing of Odysee Logo

Odysee is slowly and gradually picking up heat by content creators who are getting tired of YouTube monetization updates and the change of rules and regulations. Odysee logo is based on the following two things.


            The logo is written in bold Blockheads font.


            The logo uses white, pink, and orange colors.

Provided Services

At VectorSeek, you can download different editable formats of Odysee for free and without any signing up or logging in. You can download the following formats of Odysee logo for free:

You can also download high-quality of Odysee logo in a ZIP file.


Odysee logo has nothing to do with what the platform does. If a person doesn’t know the niche of the platform, they could never guess it from the logo either. The company is new and may be, after a year or so, we may see some changes in Odysee logo. Visitor can come up with Odysee logo designs by downloading Odysee logo in PNG, AI, Vector and SVG variants.

Q: How to remove the white stars from Odysee logo?

Ans: You can remove white stars from Odysee logo by downloading it in PNG.

Q: How to brighten the colors of Odysee logo?

Ans: You can brighten the colors of Odysee logo by downloading its SVG variant.