Specialized Bicycle Components Logo Vector

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Specialized Bicycle Components Logo Vector

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About Specialized Bikes

Specialized Bikes written as Specialized known as Specialized Bicycle Components Inc. is an American company that manufactures, markets, and designs bicycle components, relevant products, and bicycles. It was founded in 1974 by Mike Sinyard and its current CEO is Mike himself.

Its headquarters is in Morgan Hill, California, United States. According to the stats of 2019, the company employs 1500 employees and as of 2011, the company made a revenue of 500,000,000 dollars.

Meaning and History of Specialized Bikes Logo

Mike was a cycling enthusiast who found peace whenever he rode his bike. He was so into cycling that he sold his Volkswagen bus for $1500 to fund a tour of Europe by cycle. By 1976, the company was launched and Mike managed to import Italian bicycle components. Specialized Bikes changed its logo 4 times in the following years.

Evolution of Specialized Bikes Logo

The company first sold tires and was called Specialized Touring Tire and after two years of the company’s existence, the company introduced two bikes; Allez (a road bike) and a sporting touring design (Sequoia). They launched its first mountain bike in 1981 and named it the Stumpjumper. The company changed its logo in the following years.


            This year, Specialized is capitalized and, on its left and right sides there are two red stars with pointy edges and it in there is a white scribble.

1976 Specialized logo

1976 Specialized Bicycle Components Logo


            In this year, the stars are gone and the scribble is now red in color and below it, specialized is written in upper case letters.

1988 Specialized Logo Vector

1988 Specialized Bicycle Components Logo


            In this year, the scribble is on the right side of the SPECIALIZED.


            This year, the scribble is on the left side of the SPECIALIZED.

2007 Specialized Logo Vector

2007 Specialized Bicycle Components Logo

Building of Specialized Bikes Logo

The first and original Stumpjumper is displayed in the Smithsonian Institute in Washington D.C. and in 1989, the company introduced the most durable carbon fiber mountain bike and this was the year when the company gained worldwide visibility. The specialized Bikes logo is based on the following two things.


            The font used in the Specialized Bikes logo is customized AZN Unified Sans Oblique.


            In the first year, white, red, and black colors are used. In the last two years, only red and black colors are used.

Provided Services

VectorSeek allows their visitors to download fully customizable and editable files of the Specialized Bikes logo for free and with a single click. We provide the following different types of editable files of the Specialized Bikes logo:

You can download all of these files in a single zip file.

Variants of Specialized Bikes Logo

VectorSeek tracks the latest and trendiest variants of the Specialized Bikes logo. We understand the need of visitors and provide different variants of Specialized Bikes logo in HD quality for free. Below are the most wanted variants of Specialized Bikes logo:


The logo of Specialized Bikes is simple but it shows authority and potential. People usually ask what is the meaning of Specialized Bikes logo? The scribble in the Specialized Bikes logo is a cycling track and italicized letters represent speed. The idea is very well combined.

Who designed Specialized Bikes logo?

It is rumored that Specialized Bikes logo’s idea was put up by Mike.

How to download Specialized Bikes vector format?

You can download Specialized Bikes logo vector format from VectorSeek by just clicking on ‘Download All Files in Zip’.