Gmail Logo Vector

Download Gmail Logo Vector in PNG, SVG, AI, EPS Formats

Gmail Logo Vector

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All logos are copyrighted to their respective owners and protected by international laws. They are provided for informational and educational purposes only. Without written permission from copyright holder, don't reproduce, publish, modify, create variants or otherwise use any content.

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About Gmail

Gmail is used to create, send, receive, and save emails. It is a free product of Google. According to Google stats of 2019, there are more than 1.5 billion active users of Gmail. You can use Gmail on the phone and from a web browser as well. It was launched in 2004 and at that time, the total storage of emails in Gmail was 1 gigabyte for 1 user.

Now, 1 user can store emails up to 15 gigabytes. You can also attach files, documents, videos, and images to the email. You can email multiple people at the same time. If there is malware or any virus in the email, Gmail alerts you before opening it. The best part about this platform is that it is very easy to use.

Meaning and History of Gmail Logo

Gmail has connected a lot of people. It is the most opted email sending and receiving platform. It is fast and even a naïve person can use it. Gmail’s logo has always been very minimal and it changed 6 times in the following years.

Evolution of Gmail Logo

After Google, Gmail is its best product. Students and business personnel opt for Gmail. People have been doing business via Gmail. Gmail is said to be the best email marketing platform as well because one can filter via different emails within seconds. The logo of Gmail evolved in the following ways.


            This year, the logo changed twice. The first logo of Gmail has Google written in large letters to its right you can see superscripted TM and below the L and E, you can see BETA. Below the double O, you can see a mail envelope and it seems like an M completing with the rest of the letters. In the second change, there is now a capitalized G with the same M and the rest of the letters. Below the G, you can see Google, and below I and L, you can see BETA.

2004 Gmail logo vector

2004 Gmail logo vector


            In this year, the logo again changed twice. The Gmail remains the same but below the G, you can only see text ‘by Google’. In the same year, the text ‘by Google’ was shifted after the M. There is a superscripted TM as well.

2010 Gmail Logo Vector

2010 Gmail Logo Vector


            In this year, you can only see the M on the envelope and this s the most minimized version of Gmail.

2013 Gmail Logo Vector

2013 Gmail Logo Vector


            In this final year of modification, the envelope is gone and leaving just the M in blue, red, yellow and green color. The same colors used in Google.

2020 Gmail logo Vector

2020 Gmail logo Vector

Building of Gmail Logo

Every logo is made up of two factors; font and colors and the Gmail logo used some amazing ones.


            In the first four years, the font size is a combination of Myriad Pro type and Catull type. Whereas, in the next two years, the logo was just symbols.


            In the first four years, the colors used were blue, red, yellow, green, and white. In the last year, red and white colors were used and, in the last modification, red, yellow, green, and blue colors were used.

Provided Services

VectorSeek provides their visitors with the benefit of downloading different formats of Gmail logo without any fee or sign-up. Here, visitors can find the following formats of the Gmail logo:

VectorSeek allows its visitors to download all of the above-mentioned formats in a zip file.

Variants of Gmail Logo

Visitors can benefit from VectorSeek to download different variants of the Gmail logo with a single click. We try to upload the most searched variants of the Gmail logo.


Gmail is the most preferred mailing platform and its logo was big in size in the early years but, in the last years, it transformed in the best way. The current logo gives it a complete meaning and it is a learning curve for graphic and creative designers as well.

Who designed the Gmail logo?

Dennis Hwang designed the Gmail logo.

What font is used for the Gmail logo?

Product sans-serif font was used for the Gmail logo.