Forbes Logo Vector

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Forbes Logo Vector

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All logos are copyrighted to their respective owners and protected by international laws. They are provided for informational and educational purposes only. Without written permission from copyright holder, don't reproduce, publish, modify, create variants or otherwise use any content.

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About Forbes Logo

Forbes is a business magazine that covers topics such as finance, industry and investing. It also reports on related subject matter like technology, communications science politics law- which makes it more than just your average news source! For example: when former president Obama gave his 2011 State Of The Union address (which you can view here), he cited statistics from this very publication about how work ethic has changed within American society over time due to our changing values.

Forbes is your guide to the world’s richest and most powerful people. we’ll help you stay up to date on the latest business news and the biggest deals, and give you insights into what it takes to make it to the top. Come learn about some of the most fascinating and influential people on earth.

Forbes Magazine has been around for more than 80 years.  The magazine also provides rankings of powerful people from around the world with their Rankings of the World’s Most Powerful People list or The Forbes 400 richest Americans ever made by us alight beg com. In 2014 it sold out completely when Steve Forbes became chair & Ed Kelly CEO In 2015 they introduced “For the Love of Data” -a blog geared towards shedding light on various topics related to data analytics worth statistics.

Meaning and History of Forbes Logo

Some people ask why is Forbes famous. Well, maybe, it is because the magazine has been around for more than a century and have gained people’s trust. Plus, the information and articles they provide are very much information and useful. Forbes changed their logo 18 times in the following years.

Evolution of Forbes Logo

People also have a question that how Forbes got its to name. The answer is that it is the name of the family that were Scottish immigrants and their history goes back to the 12th century. The first family member was Sir John de Forbes. The Forbes logo changed in the following ways.


            In this year, the logo was text and FORBES was written on MAGAZINE in black.

1917 Forbes logo

1917 Forbes logo


            In this year, only FORBES is written.

1918 Forbes logo

1918 Forbes logo


            In this year, FORBES is written in a black rectangle in white and there are two white lines making a nested rectangle.

1922 forbes logo

1922 forbes logo


            In this year, FORBES is written in white with a black outline.

1924 forbes logo

1924 forbes logo


            In this year, the logo was the same but it is now enlarged.

1925 forbes logo

1925 forbes logo


            In this year, the logo was slightly smaller and it is now in black color.

1930 forbes logo

1930 forbes logo


            In this year, FORBES is written in a stylish font in black.

1934 forbes logo

1934 forbes logo


            In this year, the font changed to a simpler one but the letters had space in them.

1937 forbes logo

1937 forbes logo


            In this year, the font was again styled. In the same year, the font was again simple and now the font was white in color.

1938 forbes logo 1

1938 forbes logo


            In this year, the logo was vertically stretched and the rest was the same.

1938 forbes logo

1938 forbes logo


            In this year, the font was changed and was in black and the rest was the same.

1953 forbes logo

1953 forbes logo


            In this year, the F was larger than the rest of the letters.

1966 forbes logo

1966 forbes logo


            In this year, the size of the font was slightly shorter and was changed as well and the rest was the same.

1973 forbes logo

1973 forbes logo


            In this year, the logo was again very slightly smaller but the rest was the same.

1977 forbes logo

1977 forbes logo


            In this year, the letters O, R, B, E and S are almost the same as F.

1978 forbes logo

1978 forbes logo


            In this year, F is capitalized and the rest letters are in a small cases. In the same year, everything was the same but the logo is now in blue.

1999 Forbes logo

1999 Forbes logo

Building of Forbes Logo

The Forbes family has always been on the list of the world’s wealthiest families. The family had businesses and some were even politicians. The Forbes magazine also shows the number of millionaires and billionaires around the world. Forbes logo is made up of the following two things.



            For 17 years of Forbes logo transformation, only black and white colors were used. Only in the last year, blue color was used.

Provided Services

VectorSeek provides one of the best-quality logos along with their editable formats and variants for their visitors. Visitors can download most demanded variants of the Forbes logo for free. Here, you can download the following formats of Forbes logo:

You can also download Forbes logo in zip file.

Variants of Forbes Logo

We have different variants of Forbes logo – visitors can download and use them in their business card, YouTube channel, websites and assignments without having to worry about copyright issues or any other legal claim. You can download the following different variants of Forbes logo:


Forbes made a lot of changes in their logo and the changes were also very small which makes the designers and editors to find the devil in the details. The current logo of Forbes is nice as it now has color to it.


 Q: Who designed Forbes logo?

Ans: Forbes logo is designed by Wolff Olins.

Q: What is Forbes slogan?

Ans: Forbes slogan is ‘Change the World’.

Who designed forbes logo?

The current forbes logo vector was created by Wolff Olins, a branding agency, in partnership with Forbes Media. The design process began with the idea of creating a new wordmark for Forbes. Wolff Olins conducted an extensive research project that included an analysis of 5,000 logos and interviews with more than 100 people from all walks of life about what they associate with Forbes.

What does Forbes logo symbolize?

The forbes logo is a depiction of the “Eucalyptus rostrata”, an evergreen tree that reflects the founders' interest in natural resources. Forbes is one of the oldest and best known brands in American publishing, built on a legacy of respect for excellence at its best. It started with B.C Forbes back in 1917 when he put out his first magazine devoted to business, finance, industry and public affairs.